Chasing Your Dreams and Goals in the Midst of Life’s Toughest Challenges

“If we wait until we are ready, we’ll be waiting for the rest of our lives.”

-Lemony Snicket

In life there is never a perfect time to begin anything, even when things are going smoothly. There will ALWAYS be a reason to procrastinate even in the best of circumstances. If you are navigating overwhelming challenges with yourself or your loved one, some of your dreams, goals, and desires will likely be put on hold temporarily. But, these unfortunate circumstances don’t have to push the pause button forever. You can still work towards your goals and dreams even while you are navigating challenges with yourself or loved one.

There are times in life when everything else must pause, and your energy is focused entirely on your own or a loved one's hardships. However, once you're able to catch your breath, it becomes important to balance caring for yourself with supporting your loved ones who are struggling.

We shouldn’t wait for the perfect time to start something because life rarely offers perfect conditions, especially when we’re navigating hard things. Challenges are a constant part of life, and if we wait for everything to settle or feel right, we may never begin. Taking action amidst the difficulties helps us grow, builds resilience, and creates positive change, even if it’s just small steps. Progress happens in the messiness of life, not in the absence of it, and waiting only delays the fulfillment and growth that come from moving forward.

Take your first step today towards your goals and dreams.   Any day is a good day to begin, even if you are navigating hard things!

Starting something for ourselves, even during hard times, begins with small steps and a mindset shift.

Here are a few ways to take your first step and begin today.

  • Focus on What You Can Control - In life the only things we are in complete control over is our effort, attitude, and how we react to things. When we are navigating hardships with ourselves or have family members who are struggling, we quickly learn that there is not a whole lot that we can control. So, focus on what you can control!! During difficult times, things feel out of control. Identify some areas where you do have some agency and begin there one small step at a time. This helps to build momentum. For example, if your loved one is navigating difficulties with regard to their mental health, help your child in ways that you can, but never give up on you and your dreams. Though you may not have the time or energy to pursue your aspirations fully, you can still take small, consistent steps in areas that you can control. You can control how you prioritize your time, set boundaries, and create small pockets of focus for yourself, even while supporting your loved one through their challenges.

    Balancing these roles allows you to stay connected to your personal dreams, providing a sense of fulfillment and purpose. By focusing on manageable actions, you can nurture your goals while also being present for the people you care about. This approach honors both your responsibilities and your individual growth.

  • Break it Down - Start with very small, manageable tasks. If something feels overwhelming, break it down into smaller steps you can take even when you're stressed. For instance, if you have a goal to start a creative project or build a new skill, you might carve out just 10–15 minutes a day to work on it. Any effort is better than no effort at all. Consistency, even in small doses, adds up over time. You don’t need to make giant leaps toward your goals every day; steady, incremental effort leads to significant results. This approach is sustainable and prevents burnout, especially when life throws extra curveballs your way.

  • Accept Imperfections - Recognize that you don’t need to have everything figured out to start. Progress, not perfection, is what matters. Allow yourself to begin imperfectly. The concept of "progress, not perfection" emphasizes the importance of moving forward, no matter how imperfect or small the steps might be, rather than waiting for everything to be flawless before taking action. It’s a mindset that shifts the focus from unrealistic standards to continuous improvement and learning.

    Often, people wait for the "perfect" conditions or until they feel completely prepared before starting a project or pursuing a goal. This can lead to stagnation and frustration. By embracing progress, you acknowledge that taking action, even if it’s messy or imperfect, is what drives learning and momentum.

Finding balance between supporting your loved one who is struggling and not losing sight of your own needs is essential.  Do not forget about your dreams and goals.  You can be there for your loved one AND yourself!

  • Self-Compassion - Be gentle with yourself. You’re navigating hard things, and you deserve care and kindness. Doing things for yourself doesn’t mean ignoring your challenges or the challenges of your loved one, but finding ways to honor you needs alongside them.

    Navigating challenges with a loved one can be emotionally draining and demanding, making it easy to lose sight of your own well-being. Practicing self-compassion is essential because it allows you to acknowledge your own struggles without guilt, giving you the strength to persevere. When you take care of yourself, you're better equipped to support your loved one, and you're also nurturing your own goals and dreams, which remain important. Compassion toward yourself helps prevent burnout and ensures that you can continue to be present both for your loved one and for your own growth.

  • Set Boundaries - If your energy is being consumed by external demands, it’s important to set boundaries. This creates space to take action for yourself and your goals, even in tough times. Setting healthy boundaries is crucial when pursuing your goals, especially while supporting others, because it helps protect your time, energy, and emotional well-being. Without boundaries, it's easy to become overwhelmed and lose focus on your own aspirations, which can lead to burnout and frustration. Clear boundaries ensure that you're dedicating time to your own growth and dreams while still offering support to those who need it. They also promote a healthier relationship dynamic, where your needs are respected, allowing you to show up more fully for both yourself and others.

We are always a work in progress and have room to grow.  Be patient and self-compassionate with yourself and acknowledge that that personal growth is a continuous process, free from harsh self-judgment. Embrace imperfections and allow for mistakes, which will encourage patience and kindness toward oneself while striving to improve.

  • Mindfulness and Presence - It’s very easy to get overwhelmed by the future or past when we are navigating challenging things in life. Try grounding yourself in the present moment. By practicing mindfulness techniques, like deep breathing or grounding exercises, we can bring our attention back to what’s happening now. Accepting that the future is uncertain and beyond our control helps us release unnecessary anxiety, while staying present allows us to fully engage with what we can influence—our thoughts, feelings, and actions in the moment.

    Ask yourself, what can you do today to take care of yourself and move toward a dream or goal, even though so much is on your plate. Take one small step forward today.

  • Focus on Small Wins - Celebrating small wins involves acknowledging and appreciating even the minor achievements along your journey. Take time to reflect on the progress you've made, no matter how small, and recognize the effort that went into it. You can celebrate by rewarding yourself with a treat, sharing the success with a friend, or simply pausing to feel gratitude for the moment. By doing this, you build motivation and reinforce positive habits, reminding yourself that each small step brings you closer to your larger goals. This is crucial!!!

In the end, waiting until everything is perfect or until we feel "ready" will only keep us stuck. Life's challenges don’t pause for our dreams, and we owe it to ourselves to take steps, no matter how small, toward the future we envision. By focusing on what you can control, breaking down your steps, embracing imperfection and self compassion, setting boundaries, and finding balance between supporting your loved ones and nurturing your own goals, we can make steady progress, even in hard times. Moving forward despite the obstacles is an act of courage, and it’s how we transform both our lives and the lives of those we care about.

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Little by little we travel far!


Time Well Spent: Finding Meaning in Life’s Most Precious Treasure, Even Through Hardships