Time Well Spent: Finding Meaning in Life’s Most Precious Treasure, Even Through Hardships

“My favorite things in life don't cost any money.  It's clear that the most precious resource we all have is time.” -Steve Jobs

Life’s most valuable experiences and connections often come from how we spend our time, rather than material things. Many of us navigate hardship with our own physical and mental well-being. Furthermore, we might also have loved ones who are neurodivergent, have disabilities, physical and mental health hardships, and/or other issues like addiction. How we choose to spend our time during our precious life is extremely important while we are also navigating difficulties with ourselves and our loved ones. Are we choosing to worry about the future and fret about the past, or are we trying to live in the moment and enjoy the now? Are we spending time with people who bring us up and make us feel like sunshine or are we trying to fit in and please others in order to feel valued?

We only have one life to live, and making the most out of our life and our time here on earth can contribute to a happier and more meaningful life. We all have TONS on our plate for countless reasons, and LOTS of things to worry about, but time is always moving forward. Every moment in life is a new opportunity to shift our focus on how we would like to spend our valuable time now, even though we are simultaneously navigating really hard things!!

The most precious resource we all have is time.

The hardships we are experiencing might not go away, so we have to learn how to feed our souls and live life to the fullest while we are navigating hard things. All we can do is attempt to understand what might bring us happiness, and provide us with purpose and meaning! Happiness, meaning, and purpose does not find us. We have to create our own joy, purpose and meaning! Remember that Rome was not built in a day. Just being mindful of what feeds our soul to nourish our well-being in life is a start. And this is then how we can begin to spend our time during the course of each day. One day at a time. We are all a work in progress for the rest of our lives!

Will there be set backs? YES! Will there be more crises? Hopefully not, but perhaps. Will there be more curveballs and hardships? For sure! But, this does not have to stop us from creating our own happy and meaning during life’s precious moments on earth.

How can we spend our time to build a more meaningful life while we are also navigating very very difficult circumstances?

  • Personal Growth - This can be time spent learning, reading, reflecting, or pursuing a passion that is enriching. This can also be time spent starting a new venture or business, going back to school, or volunteering in an organization that is meaningful to you. The investment in self-improvement can lead to a more fulfilling life. What are some ways that you feel you would like to grow personally and/or professionally? Write down some things that make your heart sing and chip away at it one step at a time.

  • Health and Well-being - Taking the time for physical and mental health through exercise, mindfulness, meditation, or breathing exercises is invaluable. Money can buy equipment or memberships, but dedicating time to your body, mind, and emotional well-being is a lasting investment. Self care is not selfish and a great way to spend time on you during the course of the day! Even if you spend 10 minutes here and there towards your daily health and well-being, that’s better than no time at all. Finding ways to move your body or ways to be mindful are much more attainable when they are activities that are joyful for you. What might some of these activities be for you? Do you love to dance? Then perhaps partake in a dance class. Do you love to walk? Perhaps join a walking club or find a buddy to walk with during the week. Do you want to learn to meditate? Find a meditation app and try to work this into your daily routine. Baby steps!

Pursue a hobby that brings you joy and make time for this during the course of your day and week.

  • Relationships and Connection - The quality of time spent with loved ones, whether family or friends, creates irreplaceable memories and emotional bonds. Creating AUTHENTIC connection, shared laughter, or deep conversations that foster a sense of belonging is so important. Our time is precious, and sharing our moments with those who love, value, and respect us, as well as accept us unconditionally is crucial! Listen to your heart when you are with others, and spend your time wisely with those who bring you up and celebrate you. You are unique and you are worth it!

  • Creativity and Play - Engaging in creative activities or simply playing—whether through art, music, or imagination—brings joy and fulfillment. These experiences, fueled by time and presence, foster inner happiness and self-expression. Creativity and play are vital for everyone because they stimulate the mind and reduce stress. They help us reconnect with a sense of joy, inspire innovation, and improve overall well-being by breaking routines and encouraging imaginative thinking. Sometimes we just don’t slot out the time to be creative and just play. Life gets busy and we stop being creative or having fun. If that is the case for you, what are ways you love to play or create that you have been missing in your life? Perhaps start there and make some time for yourself to do one of these things during the course of your week.

Find a place in nature where you can reflect.  Feed your soul.  The gift of nature and serenity is invaluable!

  • Nature and Simplicity - Time spent in nature or enjoying simple pleasures like walking in a park, watching a sunset, or having a quiet morning coffee is grounding and calming, especially during difficult times. Nature offers perspective, reminding us of the bigger picture, while simplicity helps reduce overwhelm, allowing us to focus on what truly matters. These experiences create space for reflection, inner peace, and emotional clarity, helping us navigate challenges with a clearer, calmer mindset. These types of environments also allow us to be more present in every day while we are navigating hard things! Life is complicated, and finding time to be present and have gratitude is crucial during the course of our day. Perhaps when you have more time you can visit a special and beautiful spot to enjoy nature and all that it can offer, but on a busy day you might just take a few moments to enjoy the sun outside, sit on your patio or backyard to take in the plants and nature around you and listen to the birds, or sit on a park bench and enjoy the weather.

In the end, time is our most precious gift, offering endless possibilities in each moment. How we choose to spend it shapes our lives, and when we focus on what truly matters - personal growth, health and well-being, relationships, creativity, and nature and simplicity - we can live with purpose and fulfillment. By embracing each day with intention and gratitude, we ensure that our time is well-spent, creating a life rich with meaning and joy. Every moment is an opportunity, and when we cherish it, we make the most of the beautiful journey ahead.

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Little by little we travel far!


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